A Trip to Thailand

Personal Perspective:

Thailand is a beautiful country filled with kind people and delicious food. Although it took forever and a day to get there, I would do it again. This was my first experience in South East Asia and I was mesmerized and captivated throughout our trip. I went for my thirtieth birthday with two of my best friends.  We went for two weeks, including travel days (so closer to 12 days). It was plenty of time to see the things we wanted to see and do. We had an unforgettable experience and I cannot recommend it enough. The cities we visited were: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Krabi (Railay Beach), and Koh Lanta.  


  • You can easily get a sim card at the airport for about $20 that should have enough data to last you, depending on your length of stay. It helps tremendously to be able to use your maps on your phone or to look up things when out and about. 

  • Don't drink the water - most hotels will give out a bottle of water every day, but you can go to the nearest 7/11 and grab a big water and keep it in your room. 

  • Cash is King- It is so much easier to carry cash as many places do not accept credit cards. We realized early on that it was more of a hassle to use our cards. There are ATMS everywhere so it is not too big of a deal to take out cash.  

  • Do not be afraid to negotiate. Everything is negotiable. Cab rides, things you want to buy on the street, etc. 

  • Thai massages - know what you’re getting into. Do some research and understand that your massage is not going to be like the one you get at a spa back home. Not to say that it isn't enjoyable, it is just different. 

  • Yes, it is hot and hot again. Which is great if you're at the beach, but not so great if you're in a big city such as Bangkok. Please remember to still dress modestly, especially if you are planning to visit any temples. Shoulders and knees have to be covered. 

  • Being three girls traveling, we felt very safe the entire time.  There is always the possibility of petty theft- so make sure you keep your belongings close. Other than that- we never had any problems but we all stayed very aware of our surroundings, and also were never out roaming the streets late at night. Just make sure to be smart. And always count your change when paying with cash -some can be sneaky! 

  • Someone gave me a Frommers travel book and my first reaction was - Thanks! But I probably won't use it. Well, that was a lie. I devoured the book - filled with incredibly helpful information on everything there is to know about everything in Thailand. I even packed it with me and often referred to it as the bible. Sometimes, as helpful as the internet can be, it can all be extremely overwhelming when you are looking for just some simple and reliable explanations or suggestions. This book excelled in that department. 


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